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Cogito Ergo Blog

I doubt therefore, I can blog....

Location: Mumbai, India

Techie, overworked, married, uh-huh

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Sunday, 9 July 2006: Berlin

Les Bleus play the Azzurri.

Germany, regrettably, will go blue in the face.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

So spake.....

...Sonia Gandhi, UPA Chairperson and Supreme Leader of the Congress party.

After all, you cannot possibly bring to prominence an ethos that is contrary to your very existence, can you?

As an oblique aside, ever notice how rarely one hears a reference to Sonia Gandhi as President of the Congress Party these days?

Monday, July 03, 2006

Déjà vu?

And it was Friday evening when I heard, first the German national anthem and a few hours later, Il Canto degli Italiani. It had been quite a while since I'd heard them being played in that order.

And so it was again a few minutes ago, that I heard them being played out in the order I so dearly desired! And the jump on the podium - how can one forget that?

This Wednesday, I'll get to hear them - once again. Overdose? Fat chance! I've gotten quite bored of La Marseillaise, actually.