It looks like we're set for a very long Congress rule. Definitely one that will last well beyond Sonia, Rahul and Priyanka. And the way the Congress is going about it, there will hardly be any difference between us and Pakistan. The Congress has made it clear, by its behaviour in the past, that it's a party that just hungers for power. It doesn't matter about how it gets that, but it sure didn't like sitting in the Opposition one bit all these past eight years.
Take the latest incident, for example. Governors of four Indian states have been sacked. Why? Because they were appointed by the NDA and had RSS links or were active members at some time. That's turning out to be a criterion for automatic dismissal. In the near future, that criterion may well extend to just being Hindu. If you're Hindu, you're out. If you're Hindu, you'll probably be branded a criminal.
Take, for another example, the Prime Minister's latest pronouncement. Reservations for Muslims. And other minorities, granted, but on the whole, something to try and commandeer the Muslim vote-bank. A vote-bank that, in the days before Mulayam and Lalu and Mayawati, was the prerogative of the Nehrus.
I don't know why the Family keeps the "Gandhi" surname. They hardly ever acknowledge Feroze Gandhi; I'm sure he's a source of embarrassment to them, a blot on the Family landscape, the black sheep, an aberration in their DNA. But that's another story, I'll save it for another rant!
Now, Manmohan Singh - dutifully following orders, no doubt - is thinking of reserving jobs for Muslims and other minorities. Right, the good part is that it'll include Sikhs and Parsees as well, but for all the Family cares, these two don't exist. They're inconsequential. Given the percentage of the population (minority) that they represent, Sikhs and Parsees are just an inconvenient statistic, really. What really matters is the the Muslim minority - which numbers more than the Muslim majority in some Islamic countries, incidentally - is going to get an additional boost from the Indian state. At last.
At last?
Think again.
How many of you have noticed what happens when there's an empty plot of land somewhere near your house? Squatters move in. If you find out, a large number will be Muslims. Probably with the story that they were driven away from - wherever - because of some bias. They will purport to be refugees. Persecuted. You sympathise, you understand, you relent. You let them stay. For just a while until they find something better, they promise. The next thing you know, they've proliferated. Grown. From a few ten families to a few hundred. They've got everything: ration cards, voter ID, electric connections, phones, the lot.
And NOW, when you ask them to move, they don't. They agitate. Run riot. Complain of harrassment. Bias. Persecution. The same excuses they gave you when they moved in. And before you know it, there's a busybody from the NHRC there. And a local corporator - and a brother Muslim, definitely - or MLA. And MP - Congress, no doubt - championing their cause.
It'll probably take you another 50 years to get that plot of land cleared. If you're a Hindu, you'll be branded a fascist. A fundamentalist. A tyrant. And you watch out, you might just be slung into the slammer.
But no, the Congress clearly believes that being Hindu is dangerous. A shame. So they're out to erase all public memory of the previous Government. Take Arjun Singh's latest efforts. He's forced his way through the review of all text books that Murli Manohar Joshi had changed, and he calls it de-toxification. And pray why is de-toxification needed? Just because it gives a different perspective to history? Maybe the correct perspective? I don't know, but I sure would like to find out exactly what the dyspeptic old fogey is finding so poisonous about being Hindu.
Don't get me wrong. I'm not knocking anyone for being Muslim. Or any other religion, for that matter. As long as you accept to being treated the way you treat me, I don't care about what faith you follow.
But I am bothered about the fact that we've got a bunch of sore losers ruling us now. A bunch of pseudo-Commie bastards. A bunch of eunuchs who would have no qualms about selling the country for a song. A rag-tag congregation of sycophants. I'm scared of waking up one morning to find the Chinese in power. Or the Pakistanis/Saudis. Something like that.
I'm having nightmares. What about you?